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The most common reasons sick gold fish when the tank is dirty, poor filtration, poor water quality and low oxygen due. This article provides information about goldfish and how to treat common diseases.
Because of poor water quality or a too high pH and bacterial infections. Even new attacks imported goldfish.
Symptoms: The wounds pinkish white, often with a white border, and sometimessecondary infections by fungi and other bacteria.
Treatment: fish rapidly lose salt through open wounds, aquarium salt, add a dose of 1-3g/litre. Use an antibiotic treatment, bathing in the short-term antibiotics and topical antibiotics. If treatment fails, consult a veterinarian for treatment in advance.
Dropsy is a symptom that the fish is in renal failure and unable to excrete enough fluid. Usually caused by a bacterial infection. viral infections, nutrition,osmoregulatory and metabolic problems can also be responsible.
Symptoms: swelling of the abdominal cavity through an accumulation of fluid. Scales are expressed, that the fish looks like a pine cone. One or both eyes may be advanced.
Treatment: aquarium, add salt at a dose of 1 - 3g/litre can help prevent salt. Use a broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment is the best option in most cases. A good antibiotic chloramphenicol and tetracycline.
White Spot
CauseIchthyophthirius parasite infection because of poor water conditions or incorrect, temperature variation and breeding in general poor.
Symptoms: Small white spots, fins, skin and gills.
Treatment: anti-parasite drugs with readily as metronidazole, malachite green and formalin. It may be necessary to increase the water temperature to 80 ° C in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment.
Bacterial infection
Bacterial infectionincludes a number of gold fish diseases with different causes. dirty water and / or cold water, trapping and corn-based diets can lead to bacterial infections.
Symptoms: Red and inflamed areas of the body and fins, raised scales, skin ulcer, Exophthalmos (pop-eye), dropsy or swollen abdomen, fin rot. In addition, the affected fish are lethargic and anorexic.
Treatment: short-term baths for a few hours a day with anti-bacterial products, such as potassium permanganate orAntibiotics. For open wounds, it is recommended that both iodine or hydrogen peroxide solution rinse, and antibiotic ointment. Topical treatments used in mild to moderate cases. medical foods are prepared foods with antibiotics. You can prepare your own food by medical top-dressing usual diet with appropriate antibiotic. Antibiotics (injectable) this is usually within five injections over a period of ten days in combination with topicalTreatments.
Swim bladder disorder
Caused by bacterial infections, poor diet, the trapped gas, physical deformities, poor water quality. genetic problems in selectively bred goldfish. often affects egg-shaped fancy gold fish.
Symptoms: The fish have trouble swimming to the surface or in the lower levels of the tank.
Treatment: Diet Modification and Improvement of the quality of water soaking flake food before feeding so that sink in water soFool's gold, is not taking as much air and the food moist and easily digestible. An increase in the content of vegetables Goldfish is the diet can also help their digestive system. Increasing the temperature of the water tank at 78-80 ° C and add a dose of aquarium salt 1 - 3g/litre water. If the state to improve the goldfish, is not an antibiotic medicated food or broadband can be given.
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