Fish species and varieties of gold

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We all know and are familiar with the common goldfish. This is the most popular variety, and with the simple configuration of the body. All owners of goldfish and the fans know that there are two golden fish: single or double tail queue and "fantasy."

The single tail goldfish tail and a single lobe of his body shape is more than "fantasy." They are much faster than fancy "goldfish" and Hardy to survive the colder temperatures are> Gold fish. The outdoor pools are a place for goldfish are for this, and feel more comfortable in small bowls or aquariums.

There are three different varieties of goldfish tail

Common - the most popular of all the gold fish and very strong. They are very sociable and playful. The municipality is also used as a food fish. People could show a little more 'respect for this lovely goldfish.

Comet - it seems that the municipality, but has a longer, slender body and a better fin deeply forked tail, which grows almost as long as the body. The comet comes from the U.S., thanks to Hugo Mulertt who developed this variety in 1880, the American.

Shubunkin - this is a very tough goldfish Calico and wonderful fish. You can live in ponds or pools and can grow up to 16 inches. There are three varieties of goldfish Shubunkin: Japanese / American Shubunkin, Shubunkin London, Bristol Shubunkin.

The twin-tail> Boy has 15 gold fish varieties:

Blackmoor - is very nice and as the name suggests, is black. The distinctive feature of this gold fish are out of the booth. Originated from Japan and China. Sharp and pointed objects can damage the eyes.

Bubble Eye - is probably the widest range of strange goldfish. Eyes This is the main feature of this fish have filled bags under his eyes. It has no dorsal fin, this fish requires more love andThe attention of other goldfish, because it is very vulnerable. You need to remove sharp objects from your aquarium.

Celestial Eye - appeared as a mutation of the telescope eye in China. How the Bubble eye, has no dorsal fin and the eyes are pointing up. I'm not very agile, and because they spend more time on the bottom of the tank, the sand is not necessary.

Telescope Eye - The variety is a gold fish special is' a lot.known as "Dragon Eye" in Japan, similar to Ryukin and his eyes as the Black Moor.

Panda Moor - look just like the dark black, but black and white.

Fantail - the best thing about the gold fish are its long, beautiful fins. Their colors are many variations and is a pleasure to see fish swimming around in these pretty in your aquarium.

Lionchu - or ranchu Lionhead is the result of breeding Lionhead Ranchu Goldfish and variety. This is a rare and unique species. Comes from Japan and its most distinctive features are the two lobes of the tail and has no dorsal fin.

Lionhead - is one of the most beautiful goldfish like praying. It has many variations in color and appearance. It has no dorsal fin and his poor eyesight could be a problem. His head is covered with a raspberry-like skin.

Praying - probably the most beautiful and playful> Gold fish. They have an oval body and often has a "Red Scream" (or whoever) for the upper half of the head. If you have children, they love the goldfish.

Pearl scale - as the name suggests, this fish seems to have the stairs in the rosary. They may be a cry as praying or not. In either case, are fine.

PomPom - this gold fish is a bit 'special. The distinctive feature is the fleshy nasal lobes. It comes from China and Japan. Youshould be careful about what items to your aquarium. This may hurt your fingers.

Ranchu - is "like the" king of gold fish in Japan. It 's the result of breeding Lionhead many varieties. The tail fin pinched makes a 45 degree angle with the body. The back is curved and have to live many years if kept in the right direction.

Ryukin - found a nice head and long flippers. Its body is deep rather than its length. It is a duty and a joy to fishto watch him swim in the pool.

Tosakin - are a very rare variety of red fish almost destroyed. They come from Japan and were in the Second World War.

Veil tail - comes from the U.S. and has a body Ryukin. The best feature is the tail fins, which can reach twice the size of the body. It 's a pleasure to watch the fish swim gracefully gold in the aquarium.

So there are two kinds of gold fish and their cultivars. Youare all beautiful, playful and social. If you are a beginner, you should choose one of the following varieties: Common, Comet, praying, Shubunkin, Ryukin, Moor, Fantail.


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