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Goldfish are known as "first pets" for each child. But this does not mean they are easy to maintain! Many times goldfish as prizes or gifts are. But most of them die soon, because people do not have to accept any idea about their care.
You do not need any frustration or disappointment, then, if some knowledge about the type of water tank which should take for your goldfish tank and the maintenance of this test. Youshould also learn the technique of introduction of the gold fish in the tank.
Here are the ten golden rules for beginners -
1. You should have a fairly large aquarium for your goldfish. The traditional approach to keep goldfish in a bowl is no longer considered adequate. The shell is water and a limited surface water resource is very limited, which makes it less available oxygen and suffocate fish quickly. You should be at least 10 litersOf water per 1 inch of goldfish. So if you think gold fish Customs introduction of a pair of one, you should consider a pool of around 20 to 30 gallons. Do not think that the large tanks are to require more effort for their maintenance. They need relatively less time and their maintenance can be done less frequently than smaller vessels.
According goldfish can not breathe water coming to surface des take the necessary oxygen to itself. So you needBuy an air pump if you purchase your tank.
3. It is recommended not to purchase the equipment are saving tank. You should always think of laying on the floor of the tank gravel. The gravel is an opportunity to grow colonies of bacteria and helps to maintain the level of ammonia. The only thing you think about the size of gravel. If the size is very small, try a goldfish, eat!
4. Before the introduction of goldfish into the tank, test theWater, reducing the levels of toxins, so that the bacterial colonies on the filter shape, and then the tank is an ideal place for your goldfish. This is known as the "cycle-less fish."
5. You should buy the right food for your goldfish. Flake Food is a good choice, but at the same time, we should do something creative thinking. Provide them with peas, salad or cooked a few pieces of boiled eggs. They are all healthy variety of food for your goldfish.
6. Youshould never feed your goldfish. I've always like the surface of the water and come to accept what foods that they offer. However, overeating will lead to many problems. The food, the remaining balance is contaminating the water and are responsible for increasing levels of toxic chemicals in the tank. Goldfish is also stuff that is not good for their health.
7. You should do a little 'time on a regular basis the quality controlWater in the tank. You should check the values of ammonia, nitrate and nitrite in water and try to keep to a minimum. The test strips are on the market, a very convenient method for the water quickly factors can be reviewed are available.
8. Keep a thermometer near the aquarium tank. Goldfish are cold water fish, but they require a constant temperature range. If you give 70 ° F continuously in the tank are healthy and active all the time.
9. Youshould change the water in the tank slowly but steadily. You can change about 20 percent of the water at once and continue this process of change over 4 to 5 weeks for water stocks from around the aquarium. Never use tap water directly into the tank. Maintain the water for some part time so that the chlorine and other gases dissolved in the water is released. So, treat the water to lower toxin levels. Then you can add to the tank. You must removethe fish before you begin the process of changing the water.
10. Consult your pet shop for goldfish diseases are susceptible. Do an online search for common diseases. Understanding the symptoms and treatment options by staff show, so you can treat the goldfish in time.
It 's always fun to keep your goldfish at home but requires little effort on your part to bring these beautiful creatures right environment. Keepsthem healthy and happy for a long time.
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