Goldfish Breeding Part 1

Every year when the days lengthen in spring, mature goldfish begin the process of egg production in females, and the spleen in males. Many of these changes brought about increases in the light of day and temperature. The availability of increased food production in the form of mosquito larvae and mosquito larvae, when the goldfish to live outdoors, supplemented by changes in the fish.

The changes that goldfish are generally swollenfemale as the eggs start to develop, and the appearance of small bumps or "tubercles," on the front edge of the pectoral fins, and gill cover in men.

In warmer climates can begin goldfish spawning in the open by the end of April, but in most other areas, the gold fish spawning begins in May or June. In many cases, fish roe with clear signs, especially when fish are kept in a pond, in a mixed population. For fish kept in aquariums, the charactersfirst, when the fish are carefully monitored.

Spawning will meet early in the morning, usually just before dawn. spawning activity seems to depend on several factors, including where I grew up: the rain in the days before spawning, a decrease in water temperature a few degrees, water changes and the moon full or nearly full.

The eggs are usually last several hours, and thousands, tens of thousands of eggs is determined depending on the size of the female. The eggs are usuallyfairly small, round and sticky. Please read the following image of eggs in an aquarium they adopt in order to get an idea of the size and shape.Please remove adult fish after spawning, if you want to raise children. Adult fish eat eggs (and RFI) after a spawn. Baby fish, once detected, are not eaten by fish mature red. Fish generally saw the children when they reach ½ to 1 inch in size.

The eggs are usually hatch in 4-7 days depending on water temperature.The fry are very small at the time of hatching and food for the first 3 -5 days on the yolk sac attached. After hatching, and for a period of about two weeks after hatching, will prepare the surface on which the eggs were laid, or near the surface of the water to stay connected. Since its swim bladder starts to work, the roast will start swimming at various levels of the aquarium.

used up their yolk sacs after the roast, you should start feeding food. The first foods areAs follows: newborn brine shrimp, boiled egg yolk and infusoria. For people who have an outdoor pond, food can also be added that the food is cooked to find in the pond. arranged for people who fish in an aquarium, food must be provided by the owner.

After a few weeks, crumbled flake foods, food crumbs small fish, freeze dried blood worms, daphnia and brine shrimp can be fed to the fish. During the early development of feeding the fish several times a day (perhaps3 to 5 times daily) in small quantities. It 'important to closely monitor the quality of water and do regular water changes, as certain foods (especially egg yolks) can foul the water.

fish de-metallic color change from green wild, is to begin at 2 to 3 months. For the mother of pearl fish and opaque, the colors tend to deepen, as the fish mature. More mother of pearl and start to fish with a mottled orange opaque white, with red, black, blue and develop as the fishAge.

If you fry reared for breeding or show purposes, you need to fry that meet the specifications you have established in your breeding program to choose. Fry with deformities such as missing fins, tails can be given away stand (in the case of two-tailed variety), and other physical defects or disposed of from 6 to 7 weeks. The practice of selection of fish with certain characteristics, is known as "reform."

A second reduction can occur in 80 to 10 weeks andfocus on color and conformity to breed. A third killing may be done in three months, having started at that time most of the fish to reproduce specific features such as the growth of the head, eye development and scales of pearl. It is not unusual for only 50-10% of a spawn remain after the third murder. While some people object the idea of giving fish eggs, or removal is the gold fish thrive in overcrowded conditions. The practice of reducing the population size is essential for the development of quality and goldfish.

How to approach fish from 2 to 3 months of age, try a larger number of live, frozen or freeze-dried food to feed themselves. Higher content of dietary protein for growth and development of pearl dial head is particularly necessary. Avoid feeding floating foods which, although good for koi, and not very useful for the goldfish, in particular the full-bodied, twin-tail fish. causes of constant supply of food that floatto swallow> amount of big fish Oro air and may disturb the balance of fish. "Sinking pellet or granulated food can live with 2 -3 months as a supplement or frozen foods are fed.

For those interested in their food, goldfish food recipes are available online or by GFSA (Goldfish Society of America) products. Books like "The Goldfish Guide to homemade recipes contain Matsui.

A final reduction can be achievedmade six months to select the fish grow and would spend the winter. This choice could be made on a combination of standard-compliance with policies, the general color and confirmation. By the end of the 4th filter, it is likely that only 1-2% of the eggs, and fish are selected exceptional.


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